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Candle Divination - How To Interpret the Results of Your Spell

Candle Divination - How To Interpret the Results of Your Spell

By: Witch of WalkervilleComments: 84

Candles can communicate indications about your spell

Using candles is one of my tools to perform spells. Seen around a campfire I'm usually deeply immersed in watching the flames. They tell their own story and are a powerful way to transition you into a trance like state.

Similarly you can do this with your spell candle. If you take the time to dive into a trance state you can begin to divine messages and guidance about the spell your candle is working on. This is called candle fire scrying and is a deeply intuitive divination tool

Once your candle has been dressed and lit it’s time to pay attention to your candle. With practice you can begin to understand the insight behind its movements, the smoke and the wax. There Is a form of communication that comes from candle magic, especially if you are working with spiritual beings. 


understanding what your flame means for your spell


Understanding the Flame


The flame of your candle can indicate how the magic is working. Once you are certain that the flame is not being affected by outside influences like drafts, you can begin to pay attention to the flame and its symbolic messages.


Small flame 

If the flame is small and your candle isn’t suffering from manufacturing issues then there is work to be done. A small flame is an indication that there are blocks that need to be released in order for the magic to flow freely. This is when I would bust out the divination tools and figure out what is blocking your magic. 


Large flame

A large, steady flame can indicate that the magic is working hard in your favour. If it is too large and burns too quickly this could indicate that the magic will happen, but it will not last. 


Active Flame

An active flame indicates that the magic is fighting for you. I take this to represent active movement and determination. This is a good sign, an indication that your magic is doing what it needs to do in order to manifest. 


Movement and Noise

Excess movement and crackling can indicate that the magic is battling for you. This is a great opportunity to do some cleansing work. I would also bring in some backup like a trusted spirit guide or ancestors to aid.


what's more means for your spell


Reading Smoke


Seeing smoke when you’re burning a candle is a rarity. If you do see some it is a sign that you are either using a low quality candle, or that it’s time to pay attention. 


Towards you

If your candle was to bring an intention into your life then the smoke traveling towards you is an indication that it’ll be a success. If your candle was intended for someone else then it could be an indication that the magic will find it’s way back to you. 


Away from you

If the smoke it traveling away from you then it’s time to start practicing patience because it’ll take some time. 


Soot Stains

If you have trimmed your wick and there is la lot of soot prepare to do some work. This is an indication that there are blocks and that the candle is trying to burn through them. Perform some cleansing rituals and do some divination and self reflection to clear it up. 


understanding burn patterns and what it means for your spell


Burn Patterns

I can’t stress enough how important it is to stay around your candles to supervise them. Safety always comes first in candle magic. That being said, since you’re going to spend time around your burning candle you may as well watch it and see if the magic has any messages. 


Fast Burning Candle

A fast burning candle can indicate that your magic is strong and working quickly. If it burns too fast it could indicate that the magic is only temporary. If this is the case you may want to use another candle with the same intention.


Slow Burning Candle

A slow burning candle can indicate that the magic has some blocks to push through, or that it’ll take a long time to manifest. This is a great opportunity to do some divination and cleansing work to clear your blocks. 


Wax Tunneling

Sometime tunnelling can occur when the the wick isn’t large enough. The flame isn’t hot enough to melt the entire top surface of the candle or you haven’t allowed your candle to burn for long enough. It creates a pocket that tunnels into your candle.


If you have tunnelling in your candle that isn’t caused by poor candle quality there are some big blocks in the way. Tunnelling creates walls around your wick that causes poor air circulation and smothers your flame. I find these very symbolic as the walls (or blocks) in the way of allowing your magic to thrive.


Candle Bursts

If your candle or holder bursts and it’s not a manufacturing defect it could symbolize one of two things. Either the magic has cleared a major obstacle for you or someone could be working against you. The later of the two is especially worth considering if you’re doing uncrossing work. 


Candle magic is an art onto itself and if you choose to work with this spell form it’ll develop into a personal experience. You can start with simple spellwork by cleansing, setting an intention and finish with some observation. Over time you can slowly add layers and elements to your practice, making it unique to your magical  practice. 


Michelle Russell
Posted on 2025-02-11 17:22:54
In my tradition, lemons are used for bitter & sour work as well as cleansings & purification. If you are doing an abundance spell, I suggest an orange or the other ingredients by themselves.
Posted on 2024-12-22 13:49:09
Hi! Thank you so much for this wonderful list. Last night I set up my alter for the winter solstice, with the intention of doing an abundance spell at the end of the night. I went about my business, spent time with friends, came home and lit the candle (red, with protective sigils carved on it, on a platter with rosemary and thyme. The candle was set in a lemon — didn’t have any oranges — with cinnamon sprinkled on top of the lemon). I walked away for a moment to get ready for bed. When I came back the candle and lemon had fallen over, with wax all over the ground. Do you have any sort of interpretation for that? I’m no longer affiliated with any coven, so I’m not sure where to turn to besides websites like this or reddit, lol!
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-06-17 22:40:11
Hi, i'm not sure what the intention of your spell was, but take a look at what the figures and shapes represent to you and what your trying to manifest. that's your answer.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-06-17 22:38:50
Hi, It could mean interference by several people, or obstacles. Or that you have several issues that need to be rectified or dealt with before this spell can work. You can wait a week to see what the results are, observe your situation and reevaluate, and then you can redo the spell to see if it burns better.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-06-17 22:35:54
That's awesome! Clearly a clean burn with no obstacles.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-06-17 22:34:26
Hi, I usually let it all burn to completion, but if it's a fire hazard, I would definitely snuff it out. I've had some disasters like that. You don't have to use a lot of herbs, etc. to dress your candle, and often an oil that has been made for your intended purpose burns a lot better. Often less is more.
Posted on 2024-06-16 06:58:20
Hi! I’ve just performed a spell using a candle and it’s melted but refuses to burn out as it’s begun to burn the sugar, salt, and cinnamon sticks surrounding it! In the future, Do I wait or is it alright to politely cover the flame and force it to extinguish?
Trinity Stjohn
Posted on 2024-05-31 18:34:17
Last night I was doing some candle work and I am super dumbfounded over it... I javelin used the same candles for years and for the first time ever there was no candle wax... like the candles melted flame was strong but there was literally no melted wax anywhere. What does that mean?.
Posted on 2024-05-23 06:56:13
When I did this ritual, the one candle had trouble burning through the cord. Once it finally burnt through the cord, the wic folded over and the flame almost went out then it bursted into 4 separate large flames. The candle never melted all the way like the other one but went out about half way. What could this mean?
Posted on 2024-05-09 10:39:20
I was burning a candle
For abundance . I see patterns of three people standing what could this be . I had a similar burn
Before which looked like a pregnant woman so weird
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-04-16 23:39:02
Hi, herbs look pretty on a candle, but you only need a bit or else you get an inferno. Lol! We've all been there. I wouldn't worry about the spell, it sounds like it burned down fairly well. If you intuitively have doubts, you can redo it. I suggest you just have faith and let your intentions go. As time passes, you will get your answer. I hope this works.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-04-16 23:35:07
Hi! It might mean that there are obstacles in your way, or that something is interfering with this spell. Revisit your situation and determine what changes you need to make and if they are reasonably attainable.
Posted on 2024-03-24 20:44:52
Hi Michelle,
My Block Breaker candle, that I started burning last night with a ritual of a salt bath and my intention and prayers spoken, went out by itself today. What does this mean?
Posted on 2024-03-09 11:53:13
Hi! need some help interpreting the outcome of a reconciliation working i did. I’m a baby witch , still fairly knew to magic considering what i have learned. I used a red male/female embracing figure candle. both candle flames burned equally extremely high and steady with some movement and flaring. No draft whatsoever. Flames Eventually formed in to a shape of a heart? Some faint black puffs of smoke swirling directly upwards but not the entire burn. ended up forming a 3rd flame to the herbs on the plate into HUGE fire hazard. Had to put it out because it was taking forever and was violent. Did i put too many herbs? Will this be successful? its just a massive puddle of wax with soot and burnt herbs kind of hard to read. Both wicks burned crossing eachother almost as if they were connected. Would love to send you a picture for advice :( thanks!
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-02-08 20:10:51
Hi Roi,
i honestly don't know. lol. Sometimes a candle's wick was set a bit off when it was made. I wouldn't worry about it.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-02-08 20:09:28
Hi Clodagh, It could be oil or herbs that are smoking. When the candle is completely done, you can do a better read on how it went.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-02-08 20:07:58
Hi Joy, It means a clean burn. Little to no resistance.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2024-02-08 20:07:08
Hi Samuel, I would try doing a cleansing bath and then examine if you might be being pulled in the direction of what you are trying to protect yourself from. Then redo the candle and see if you get a better result.
Posted on 2024-02-08 05:37:18
What does it mean if there is little to no candle wax remaining after the candles have burned down?
Posted on 2024-02-01 11:24:40
At the moment of writing this I am doing a return to sender candle. What does it mean when I look at the candle it's a strong flame that goes from fat to skinny but when I look away for a minute or 2 and quickly look back it had black smoke rising up from it and seem very active, as soon as I repeat my intention a few times it stops being so active and the black smoke stops? I'm a newbie and just am unsure on how to read everything
Posted on 2024-01-20 15:30:27
What does it mean when a burning wick moves to the side of a dressed candle?
Posted on 2024-01-02 07:17:56
I am new to candle spells and I like your article. I only have a question regarding what has been happening to my candles in the past three months. Like 9 times my candles have been bending especially when I do spells to send away negativity. At first I thought it was defect but upon keen observation I realised it wasn't. One candle completely bend forming a hook when it was burned a quarter way and later on they were bending at the base when it was past a a half. Another thing that surprised me was bursting of the class twice. What could be the meaning of all these?
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-12-22 22:31:37
I think everything happens in your candle work the way it's supposed to. If you have a draft, that can influence your working, so you might want to redo it. But all in all it went well. Crackling or popping candle flames could mean spirits are arguing or trying to communicate with you, so listen closely to the message.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-12-21 18:27:50
I usually don't do love jar work. Although it's popular online, it's a "container" spell that should be used wisely. You can do one of two things. You can do a candle spell to keep him faithful and attracted to you that could work, or you can look for a relationship where he is faithful to you and will bring you peace of mind. I've seen customers spend a lot of time and money to keep someone interested and all through it they are so suspicious and stressed out, and in the end they do what they do. Finding someone who is faithful, in the end, seems like less hassle in the long run. If you choose to do the spellwork, I have a lot of products for that. You can call the shop or stop by and we can hook you up.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-12-21 18:18:51
I usually do one spell at a time, but it sounds like you did really well. You interpreted it right. Now you just let things go and see the results.
Posted on 2023-12-18 06:43:37
Hello, I had a question. I cast a love spell essentially, with a red candle. And at the same time, I also used a dark blue candle to cast a loyalty spell, as well as for communication, and calmness towards the same person in my love spell, as well as mental calmness for myself. Well the red candle burned pretty quickly, meanwhile the dark blue, took a while, and burned out after a few hours…haven’t relit that one yet. But the red wax, looks like a Phoenix, I even showed some friends and asked what they thought it looked like, they said it looked like a Phoenix rising on the side of the candle holder it was in. (The dark blue candle was bought from someone I don’t know, and I always buy my candles from ppl I know, or i anoint them/etc. But this lady I didn’t , I took her advice on what she cast on it when making the candle, so I wondered if that could be it? But also maybe it’s a sign ??? Since so did two spells?) my question is, what does the candle wax mean, and is there something else I’m not thinking of?
Posted on 2023-12-14 04:27:15
Hi Michelle, do you have any suggestions to keep a partner faithful.. what kind of spell I can do for that? I’ve done some research but the few spells I could find on the topic didn’t seem like they would work. Got any suggestions? Is there a candle magic one I can do ? Or would it be better so do something else like a jar ect?
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-12-05 18:00:49
Hi, I would say the spell was a success breaking the cord with the black candle. I would just redo the candle with the yellow, and add in a cleansing bath for yourself. You can just use a taper candle, for the bath use hyssop, rue and lemongrass.
Wanda Dickerson
Posted on 2023-11-30 18:48:55
Thank you for your help
crishna branth
Posted on 2023-11-19 23:56:20
Hello, I just did my first cord cutting candle spell. My intentions was for someone to become independent and not have to rely on me like they do. Yellow for myself and black for the other person cord tied to each candle 2/3s up. Black burned fast Yellow burn tall flame and slow. When black burned through the cord the flame traveled the string to the yellow candle. That flame got big and violet melted half the diameter of the yellow candle and extinguished it with the tied string still around it. The yellow candle stayed standing tall without a flame while the black burned its way down and the wax only circled the black candle, it did not travel across the intention note. In the end the black was out and the yellow remained. Should I have relight the yellow candle? Or how should I interpret the out come?
Posted on 2023-11-11 00:05:01
What do I do with the wax if used for protection ?
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-11-06 18:57:54
Hi Kelsey, If you are doing a come to me spell, I would use red or pink candles. black candles are used for protection or banishing. Redo the candle working with red figure candles, dressed with come to me oil, and it won't be so confusing.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-11-02 20:12:08
Hi Morgan,
That's awesome. Complete.
Morgan Hitner-Clary
Posted on 2023-11-02 05:54:18
What if I had no left over melted candle wax..? After the candle was done , all that was left was the dish I had it on.
Posted on 2023-10-31 05:13:55
I’m doing a come to me spell. The black standing candle that I oiled and carved his name and birthday in, wax is bleeding into my tea light red candle (I carved my name and birthday into). The black wax is starting to I’ve power my candle and making my flame very very low. I moved his candle a little to the side and it reconnected so the black wax is still pouring into my tea light candle. What does this mean? Please
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-10-23 16:52:28
Hi Christy,
I've never heard that before. for me the work is done when the candle goes out. Then you be patient and see what your results are over the next while.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-10-23 16:50:38
Great spellwork! Now just wait to see what the results are.
Posted on 2023-10-19 04:54:32
I was so happy to find this page and actually learn from how my candle spell worked! I dressed it, carved my intention in the side, and then lit it with intention as well. The flame was tall from start to finish (it never seemed to shrink at all), and for most of the burn it was very still. For the last 45 mins or so the flame became really active. Overall I'm really proud of how it all went!!!

The flame did extinguish itself before the candle could burn in its entirety, there are still 3 very small letters carved into the bottom. Should I be concerned that it wasn't complete and needs to be redone? Or is it safe to assume that it was successful and wait for the outcome?
Posted on 2023-10-17 20:06:55
Hi, I’m not too familiar with candle spells. I was told to never let the candle burn to completion without lighting another one. To always keep the candles burning until you know the spell is complete. So my question is, what happens if the candle burns to completion and I don’t light anymore?
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-10-17 18:29:39
HI, It could mean that you will get slow results, or that you may need to redo & maybe change the spell.
Posted on 2023-10-09 20:40:00
Hello! I recently did a protection spell with a white candle. The wax overflowed forwards the front, and into some herbs on the plate to help with protection. I’ve seen mixed views on what this type of wax could mean, but it feels positive to me. What do you think this could mean?
Alex Tiscareno
Posted on 2023-10-09 05:11:15
My candle was burning pretty steady with flickering flame to east (I have my windows open so it might have had a draft) then my candle started popping midway down and little things started popping off of it. The candle flame got really big and burned fast. There is soot mainly to the east. It also set my intention paper on fire. Now it’s stopped popping but is doing a slow burn. Is this a bad sign?
Posted on 2023-10-03 07:50:06
It’s almost the 7 day and I have so much wax left my candle is still lit tho.. What could this mean
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:34:54
Hi Ruth,
I usually let the candle burn to completion, no matter how it's burning. I would wait and see what happens in the next few weeks, then you can redo the spell if you want. After that I would just see what the outcome is and move forward from that.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:30:32
Your spell work will always give you an answer to your question. If your candle continues to go out, or the wick disappears, and goes out, this working is probably not the right one at this time, or someone is interfering with your spell. I suggest doing it over to be sure. If it goes out, or does the same, do more divination, or troubleshoot your situation, there is another way. You can also do a cleansing beforehand and see if that makes a difference.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:26:50
Usually if you have herbs and stuff on your candle, it will catch fire at the bottom. The candles that are loaded with herbs on top sometimes catch fire on the top like a torch. I always suggest less is best when it comes to candle work. I use more oils when dressing my candles and go easy on the herbs for this reason.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:24:30
Hi Nicole,
Your candle burn sounds good! If the glass is clear that means there are no obstacles. If it's smokey or black, that means that Ochun has removed negativity or obstacles in your path. You could burn another candle to her if this is the case. With your candle, if you feel good about it, I say it's good. If not, you can always do another candle to her.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:21:08
Hi Marley,
This is a new one for me too. i'm not sure. I know when smoke lingers with incense or cleansing, it's sticking to heavy energy, so it could mean the same, or it could just be residual from the ingredients in your candle.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:15:14
Hi Jack,
An active flame means there is movement and usually indicates the spirits at work.
Michelle Russell
Posted on 2023-09-25 21:14:18
Hi Chantelle,
This sounds like a good burn. The flickering of the candle means your spirits are working. Just make sure there isn't a draft in the room, it could be that.

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